Sunday, July 13, 2008

Reasoning: Organization

Make a list of the "vital items" in my life
Donate the rest - These items are to reduce my clutterbug clutter, and to give it to people who need it

Do this again 3 months later - I have a way of thinking I'll use something, but a year later I still haven't. This will eliminate those items.

Make CDs for all my pictures and file them - Partially for organization, and partially because my computer's C drive is nearly full. Eek!

Reorganize emergency evacuation box - I've had to use it before, and I haven't updated it since we evacuated for Rita.

Create a laminated, wallet sized version of this list - So I have it with me.

Schedule all these goals - So I don't procrastinate.

[Private: FOMMBACDD] (0/30)

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