I have been rediculously busy recently, but now that things are calming down, I figure I should do a personal update for those of you that rely on this blog for those sorts of things.
-I "resigned" from my job, due to various causes that I cannot elaborate on here because of papers I signed.
-I figured out what university I am going to, got accepted, and am heading out to Nova Scotia to check it out in exactly two weeks. If anyone knows anything about me and universities in Nova Scotia, you can probably connect the dots... pop over an email if you'd like details.
-My friend Kim and I organized a leaf raking charity for our school. We raked leaves around the neighborhood for Operation Christmas Child, and raised over $250. (Pictures are above)
-I only have two real months of school left! Yay!
-My wonderful mommy finished her nursing exams! Now all she has is her practicum!-I bought an external harddrive that was priced beautifully for the size. What this means for you: more pictures at a better quality!
-The quilt is scheduled to be finished within a month. Look out...
This means I'm going to have to visit you in Nova Scotia, now. Between their college days and when I was born, my parents lived in dartmouth (and both of my sisters were born there), so now that you mention the place, I feel like I need to end up there at some point. And if you wouldn't mind, I'd love to hear the details on that.
congrats! you rock! best of luck to you!
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